Wednesday 23 November 2011

Daan - Icon live

Facebook matou os blogs... o facebook mata o tempo mas o tempo ainda vai matar o facebook.
Este blog numa tentativa de sobreviver rouba tempo (quase morto) para partilhar algo que não morrerá com o tempo.

Sunday 2 October 2011

a Jigsaw - Drunken Sailors & Happy Pirates

E aqui está o novo álbum. Podem ouvir o single em:

Wednesday 21 September 2011

João Aguardela - Esta vida de marinheiro

Hoje vou à Fnac buscar a biografia deste senhor. Tenho imensa curiosidade em tentar compreender um pouco melhor o Sr. João Aguardela, por tudo o que ele fez pela música portuguesa e por tudo o que iria certamente fazer se não nos tivesse deixado tão cedo.

Dos Sitiados à Naifa... "a rasgar a vida".

Friday 1 July 2011

Tom Waits - The Mayfly

The Mayfly

"The mayfly lives for
Only one day
Only one day
Only one day
I have only one life
Here amidst all this time
That was here before me
And all of the time that
Will follow
After I am gone
When I consider the mayfly
And how long I will stay
Don't we all really only
Live for a day
Don't we all really only
Live for a day?"

Hard Ground (Photographs by Michael O'Brien, poems by Tom Waits)

Wednesday 9 February 2011

I gotta hold on

Há pouca coisa nesta vida a que se agarrar.
Um punhado de pessoas, uma pilha de cd's.
Se um dia essas pessoas se forem...
Não acredito que a pilha de cd's me salve.

Saturday 22 January 2011

PJ Harvey - Let England Shake - The Words That Maketh Murder

I've seen and done things I want to forget;
I've seen soldiers fall like lumps of meat,
Blown and shot out beyond belief.
Arms and legs were in the trees.

I've seen and done things I want to forget;
coming from an unearthly place,
Longing to see a woman's face,
Instead of the words that gather pace,
The words that maketh murder.

These, these, these are the words-
The words that maketh murder.
These, these, these are the words-
The words that maketh murder.
These, these, these are the words-

These, these, these are the words-
The words that maketh murder.

I've seen and done things I want to forget;
I've seen a corporal whose nerves were shot
Climbing behind the fierce, gone sun,
I've seen flies swarming everyone,
Soldiers fell like lumps of meat.

These are the words, the words are these.
death lingering, stunk,
Flies swarming everyone,
Over the whole summit peak,
Flesh quivering in the heat.
This was something else again.
I fear it cannot be explained.
The words that make, the words that make

What if I take my problem to the United Nations?

Saturday 16 October 2010

Tom Waits - Coney Island Baby

Misery is the river of the world, everything goes to hell anyway, god is definitely away on business, there is too much woe in this world, life is a riddle and a good man is hard to find.
Despite all that I cannot remember listening to anything more beautiful than this.
Maybe in the the end "it is beauty that is going to save the world"

Every night she comes
To take me out to dreamland
When I'm with her, I'm the richest
Man in the town
She's a rose, she's the pearl
She's the spin on my world
All the stars make their wishes on her eyes

She's my Coney Island Baby
She's my Coney Island Girl

She's a princess in a red dress
She's the moon in the mist to me

She's my Coney Island Baby
She's my Coney Island Girl

Thursday 7 October 2010

There i said it... AGAIN

Fuck Lady Gaga.

Freedom (1989)

I grew up with this album, why I remembered it today I have no idea.
But as a fan of exploring incomprehensible messages from the unconscious, I decide to press on this matter a bit further.

Well, the cop made the showdown
He was sure he was right
He had all of the lowdown
From the bank heist last night
His best friend was the robber
And his wife was a thief
All the children were killers
They couldn't get no relief
The bungalow was surrounded
When a voice loud and clear
Said, Come on out
with your hands up
Or we'll blow you out of here.
There was a face in the window
The TV cameras rolled
Then they cut to the announcer
And the story was told.

The artist looked at the producer
The producer sat back
He said, What we have got here
Is a perfect track
But we don't have a vocal
And we don't have a song
If we could get
these things accomplished
Nothin' else could go wrong.
So he balanced the ashtray
As he picked up the phone
And said, Send me a songwriter
Who's drifted far from home
And make sure that he's hungry
Make sure he's alone
Send me a cheeseburger
And a new Rolling Stone.

There's still crime in the city,
Said the cop on the beat,
I don't know if I can stop it
I feel like meat on the street
They paint my car like a target
I take my orders from fools
Meanwhile some kid
blows my head off
Well, I play by their rules
That's why I'm doin' it my way
I took the law in my hands

So here I am in the alleyway
A wad of cash in my pants
I get paid by a ten year old
He says he looks up to me
There's still crime in the city
But it's good to be free.

Now I come from a family
That has a broken home
Sometimes I talk to Daddy
On the telephone
When he says that he loves me
I know that he does
But I wish I could see him
I wish I knew where he was
But that's the way
all my friends are
Except maybe one or two
Wish I could
see him this weekend
Wish I could walk in his shoes
But now I'm doin' my own thing
Sometimes I'm good, then I'm bad
Although my home has been broken
It's the best home I ever had

Well, I keep gettin' younger
My life's been funny that way
Before I ever learned to talk
I forgot what to say
I sassed back to my mom
I sassed back to my teacher
I got thrown out of Bible school
For sassin' back at the preacher
Then I grew up to be a fireman
Put out every fire in town
Put out anything smokin'
But when I put the hose down
The judge sent me to prison
He gave me life without parole
Wish I never put the hose down
Wish I never got old.

Friday 24 September 2010

There I said it

Fuck Lady Gaga. There I said it.

Ké - I am (1996)
Been looking for ages for the other albums can't find then anywhere. Any help is appreciated.

"Rebounding on his own with a self released "Better Way of Living", Ke soon thereafter decided to return to his simple roots, tending to his small organic farm , and keeping involved in Animal Welfare Issues."

Fuck your gatekeeping. There I said it.

Monday 6 September 2010

Arcade Fire - We used to wait

We used to write, we used to write letters, we used to sign our name, we used to sleep at night...

"Now our lives are changing fast
Hope that something pure can last

It seems strange
How we used to wait for letters to arrive
But what's stranger still
Is how something so small can keep you alive

We used to wait
We used to waste hours just walking around
We used to wait
All those wasted lives in the wilderness downtown

Now our lives are changing fast
Hope that something pure can last"

We used to sign our name... we used to sleep at night...

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Anaquim - As Vidas Dos Outros - O Meu Coração

Assim até apetece comprar CD's...

Meu coração é um viajante
Que se entrega num instante
Por ai a onde for
Acha que sabe bem o que eu preciso
Prende-se a qualquer sorriso
Sem motivos de maior
O meu coração é inocente
Pensa que a vida é um mar de rosas
Mas eu que vi espinhos em toda a gente
Afasto essas certezas duvidosas

O meu coração é um bicho muito estranho
Que se esconde e não responde a quem chamei
Alérgico ao exterior vive na toca
Onde se esconde e sufoca por não ver entrar o ar
O meu coração vive trancado
Diz que atirou a chave ao mar
E eu que a procurei por todo o lado
Só me resta assim continuar

Coração triste
Não me arrastes em teu passo
Meu corpo insiste em decidir o que faço
Se eu vir que sim ele diz que não
Eu vou bem sem coração
Entre morrer de amor e viver nesta prisão
Coração louco
Não me imponhas o teu vicio
Que a pouco e pouco vou cedendo ao sacrifício
É que eu sei bem que se acordares
E procurares por ai
Encontras outro coração para ti

O meu coração é uma criança
Ansiosa pela dança de quem lhe estender a mão
Mas este é caprichoso e inclusivo
É na lista compulsivo que não chega à conclusão
O meu coração segue as novelas
Jubila com as falas das actrizes
O meu carrega histórias de mazelas
E afasta-se desses finais felizes

Falei primeiro a bem por ser assunto de respeito
Mas não deu ouvidos perseguiu naquele jeito
Mudei para as ameaças
Tentei que usasse a razão
Mas é palavra estranha pro meu pobre coração
Farta desses maus tratos fiz as malas e parti
E logo te encontrei com o mesmo modo que eu sofri
A mesma frustração
A mesma pose o mesmo olhar
E em teu toque senti no meu corpo outro pulsar

Juntos rimos de tudo
Só chorámos nas novelas
Fingimos ser crianças e dançámos como elas
Perdemos noite e dia entre histórias e canções
Juntámos nomes, gostos e moradas
E quase sem dar por nada
Encontrámos corações